Monday, March 25, 2013

It's getting exciting around here!

We may be buried under the snowdrifts outside, but on the inside???

Things are popping up out of the dirt non stop!

Look what I found when I turned on the lights this morning . . .

Calla bulb sprouts

My calla lilies are starting to come up!

If you saw what they were going to look like, you'd know why I was so excited.

Calla lily picture

Are these not fabulous?

And you should be excited too  . . . because you will be able to buy these at my Plant Sale in May!  (Although I may put a few aside for myself . . ahem. )

I was up late Saturday, planting the next round of seeds. Tomatoes, more lobelia, petunias, browellia, and annual rudbeckia . . . so much fun.

seed starting

seed starting on heat mat

But, it's not all gardening around here. After choking down three loaves of Dempster's bread last week, I was up early baking bread this morning.

bread dough

rolling up bread dough

bread dough in pans

I love, love, love homemade bread.

Now I'm off to do a little housecleaning.

Because, is there anything worse than coming home to a kitchen full of dirty dishes after going for a walk by the river in the absolutely, gorgeous sunshine?

Maybe a laundry room full of dirty clothes. . . ( and yes, I have that too . . )


Nancy-Mom said...

Those calla lillies are gorgeous !! I'll have some thanks. You are haveing that sale here in my front yard aren't you ??? :o)
I, too love homemade bread,haven't had bread for several years (not on my diet :o( I get a cracker with my meals. I always loved the smell of bread baking, mmmmmm

Nancy-Mom said...

how about spelling right Nancy :o) having, hot haveing !!

Rosa said...

Lol aunty Nancy!
Hmmmm... the sale at Your place.. I am pretty sure your yard's a lot bigger than mine... I could grow so much MORE!!!
; D

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