Her muzzle has begun to grey, she loves to sleep in, and she no longer rips the stuffing out of her furry friends.
She comes when I call, doesn't take bites out of my potted plants as she races by, and loves, loves, loves a good snuggle and a scratch behind the ears.
She is a joy to have around.
Some days though, I miss the puppy years . . . I just came across this post which I wrote in my first year of blogging. Eight years ago!
Check out what Jada was up to back then . . . Carnage !!!
![post signature](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-1eQkGDqqHNc/U8a0_nf1lcI/AAAAAAAAI5g/0Q5cD7fdM94/h50/rosa-blog-signature-final.png)
Don't you just hate when your dear pet gets old? We still don't have another dog since we had to put down Licorice two years ago :-(
I'm not sure I could do it again either . . . on the other had, Henry, who always said Jada would be the only one because they can be a lot of work and tie you down . . . now says, of course we will have another dog one day . . .
But I don't have to worry about that yet . . . :D
She's absolutely beautiful.
Thanks CJ! We sure think so. :D
You know I love Jada, but I have to comment on the photo of YOU. That's got to be one of the most beautiful pictures of you I've seen. I love that.
What a nice thing to say Ev, Thank you! :D
I forgot to say that the reason the picture turned out so well is that is was taken by a professional . . . ;D
Danielle Lucier Photography.
That's not the reason. A picture can't lie!
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