Friday, June 25, 2010

On Being Appreciated. . .

It was the last day of school on Friday and some of the parents showed their appreciation in a tangible way.

Holly thinks this poor bunny looks scared. . .

And who can blame him?

Once I put him out in the garden he's going to have Jada to contend with.

And we all know how much she loves her bunny!!

And let's not forget about these incidents. . .

Gardening Is Not For The Faint Of Heart!

Do you remember your mom telling you "If you want to look beautiful it has to hurt?" ( Usually said on a Saturday night while hauling a brush through the tangles in your wet hair as she puts rollers in your hair for Sunday. Which, by the way, you had to sleep on all night!)

It seems that goes for a beautiful garden as well. . .

This is what happens when you turn your back on the wheelbarrow you just loaded with rocks for the pond. . .

For crying out loud!

The garden's worth it though. . .

© A Life of Whimsey