Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time Management

No time to blog.
No time to clean.
No time to do dishes.
No time to eat. (Unless it's an ice cream sandwhich. I've been eating lots of those!)
No time to read.
No time to sleep.
Just dig,dig,dig!
Plant, plant, plant!
Whoo hoo!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garden Madness

The Before Shot. Stay tuned. . . .
I spent the day (and the night) in the garden, digging, wheelbarrowing, weeding, planting, watering and fence building. Three beds down, two to go.
In the back garden.
There is stll the alley, where the strip against the fence needs to be dug up, compost added and the raspberries my mom got from a friend planted.
Then there's the front garden. . .
Yes indeed, garden madness has begun!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Picture Walls

I have no family pictures displayed anywhere in my house.
Do you find that shocking?
The thing is, once I paint a wall I hate to put holes in it unless I am absolutely sure that what I hang there will be perfect.
The odd family picture that kind friends have shot for us over the years have been far from perfect and I couldn't bring myself to spend good money on a frame for a not so great picture.
"But" I can hear you thinking "just because you haven't hung pictures on the wall surely doesn't mean there are no family pictures anywhere in your home!"
"After all everybody has pictures on the fridge!"
I must hang my head in shame. . .
I truly have never had any pictures out anywhere at all.
Having recently been made aware that the 'Mother of the Year" awards are nearly always awarded to the mom who's home is wallpapered with every picture they have ever taken of their offspring I resolved to have a picture wall of my own.
After all how hard could it be???
Sighhhhh. . .
You all know about my inability to have anything resembling a normal expression on my face when someone is taking my picture?
Well every last one of my kids is certain that they suffer from the same disability. ( Okay. . . really only Holly and Morgan ) so getting a picture is like pulling teeth!
Imagine my surprise and delight when Holly e-mailed me a picture of her and her honey along with written permission to put it on my wall.
I figured this momentous occasion should be shared. . .

Aren't they beautiful?!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tea In The Greenhouse

After spending a couple of hours watering and picking aphids with my bare fingers it's time for a cup of tea in the greenhouse.
Come on in and see what I've been up to!

 Pink And White Bacopa
Bacopa In The Morning Sun

White Bleeding Heart


Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Can You Tell Rosa's Spending To Much Time In The Garden?

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 The spiders got tired of her getting into every nook and cranny in the garden making it impossible to keep their webs intact, and decided to move their work inside.
I'd say they they are doing a fine job, wouldn't you???
I'm not so sure about me though. . . .
© A Life of Whimsey