This is my blogging space.
My sweet husband Henry made me an eight foot long table to blog at.
Actually he made me this table to work on garden designing, but hey, we work with what we have right?

Reading was my first and only hobby for years. It used to drive my socially inclined mother crazy. She could never understand why I would choose to read a really good book over playing with the kids in the neighbour hood!

I still read for pleasure but I also love to read and learn. I have a rather large collection of gardening books.
I'm also finding that I need order to create as I get older. I'm rather messy by nature and when I'm in the midst of a project the house will be in an uproar but when I'm ready to start something new, I have to have a clean and tidy home.

I keep many thing organized in my closet.

The nice thing about putting it in a closet is the ability to close the door.

This is my favorite chair. It was shockingly expensive even though it was 75% off!
I have never regretted it. I couldn't bring myself to sit on it for six months, but I never regretted it!

Well . . .
This is where I store things that don't have a space, recharge batteries and/or thaw seed mix in late winter.
This is, after all, a room where things happen.
The shelves, which hold baskets and decorative items most of the year, grow seedlings in spring.

But the one closet is all he gets!

What could be more inspiring than that?

I'm so glad to re-connect with your blog and see your creative space. Things you say spark awareness-- I, too, am a bit messy by nature, but when I begin a project, I must get things straight. This drives dear hubby nuts. :) Your space is bright and lovely, thank you for sharing. And the chair is worth every penny-- I'm having chair-envy down here.
Rosa, I always enjoy reading your posts. You were delightful to read today too! I love that chair, no matter what it cost. And I'm like you, I have to look at stuff awhile before I deign to sit myself on it if it cost much! I sooo love your gardens. And I wish I could look out from where I'm writing and see mine. I'm in a veritable cave, I tell you! Thank you for participating in the fun!
Hi Rosa :)
I love your wallcolor! Your space is so bright and looks like a wonderful place to create. I covet a chair a darling as yours and I think it's so sweet that your husband made the desk for you too :)
Thank you for sharing your space with us!
You are one lucky lady to have an 8' table! The chair is fabulous, I can mentally see you sitting there looking out upon your beautiful flowers. Thanks for the tour.
What a great space to create in! I can see why you don't regret the "shockingly expensive even though it was 75% off!" chair! I would say it is worth every penny!
You garden is wonderful too. Thanks for sharing your space today.
Are you going to post current garden pictures soon? I want to see how you're going to use all those mums you got the other day :)
Have a lovely Sunday!
What a great place to create! Love your chair and especially that your room opens to your garden. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! I can see you put your heart in your space! I LOVE that your space is changeable for seedstarting, and looking out into your garden! A must for my dream office!
I, too, am a bit messy by nature, but when I begin a project, I must get things straight. This applies to me in the kitchen-can't cook a REAL meal in a messy space. However, I'm really good at making a messy space:)
Hello Rosa, It is so nice to meet you!....I am so impressed with your lovely blogging area!!!...I love that wonderfully long table your husband made!...& your "chair"!!!...I could LIVE in that chair!!! Worth every penny! :)...I will be back to visit again!....Heidi XO
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