Friday, September 24, 2010

One Of Those Days

picture found at english202c:technical writing

Well, it's been one of those days over here and I'm winding down with a Barq's, All Dressed chips and a good book.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day in the garden as I dig in cow poop, plant garlic (in the cow pooped dirt), pick the rest of my apples (and throw out the ones that fell on the ground on the off chance that they fell into dog poop), scooping dog poop and (hopefully) heading over to Ev's with my wheel barrow to pick up a load of chicken poop and straw to get my compost pile going.

So if you find yourself having one of those days tomorrow, remember this:

I will be pushing a wheelbarrow full of chicken manure down the side walk of a busy street.

It's going to be a poopy day!


Tamara Jansen said...

Sounds like a very smeLly business :)

Nancy-Mom said...

yech, I can smell it way over here :-)

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