Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And I Call Myself A Master Gardener. . .

A while back, when Ev and I visited Hole's new Enjoy center for their opening, I bought an Elephant Ear bulb because I thought it would look cool by the pond. (Once Henry finishes building it. We are going into year three now. . .)
I was even lucky enough to talk to Jim Hole, one of the owners and he told me to plant it quick because I was already a bit late with it.
The bulb can be saved from year to year so it didn't bother me that it might be a bit small this year.
I planted the bulb and put it in the greenhouse with everything else and waited for something to happen.

I watered.
I waited.
I watered some more.
I waited some more.
And waited. . .
And waited. . .
Everything in the greenhouse had been planted and this is all I saw. . .

The time had come to empty the pot.
And this is what I saw. . .

I planted the bulb upside down!!!

Considering the price of the bulb I did what I could to remedy the situation.

I don't know if it's going to grow, but I'll keep you posted.

Just so you all don't think I'm a total dufus I'm going to post later tomorrow with pictures of the back garden now that it's stopped raining.

I really am a master gardener. . . !


Anonymous said...

LOL...I can just picure the look on your face! Doesn't it come with instructions..This side up? ;)Lisa

Evelyn in Canada said...

Well, that was a big, ugly bulb which wasn't quite like your normal tulip bulb. It's understandable that you'd plant it upside down (but still a bit funny!).

Nancy-Mom said...

Sorry, but I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of that :o_ I'm with Lisa though, they should come with instructions !!

Little Home In The Country said...

Just found your blog, it's great :) I'm on an acreage not far from Edmonton and although I'm no Master Gardener, I love to garden! In fact, my hands are stained with black dirt as I type, lol. Funny about the bulb - that's something I would do!

Rosa said...

Thanks for stopping by Little Home. :)
And for the kind words.
It's great to hear from local gardeners!

Tamara Jansen said...

Not to worry, we did that same thing one year with astilbe at the greenhouse! Trust me, you will never make the same mistake again :)

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