This is what greeted me when I came home after a terrible afternoon dealing with a bus breakdown.
(Holly didn't know I had had a bad afternoon.) The card reads 'Just because I love you! and happy Thanksgiving Love Holly
Over the weekend Morgan and I ended up at home by ourselves on Thanksgiving Monday. (don't worry, we had already had 2 dinners)
After running around a bit together and having his help to get some cleaning done I thought it would be nice to take him out for dinner.
While chatting Morgan says, "I've got something to tell you but don't get mad."
As you can imagine, my heart starts racing and my mind goes right along with it.
What could it be? Is it something terrible? Do I even want to know?!
He blurts out "I got a tattoo!"
My heart slows.
"But let me tell you why I choose the tattoo I choose!"
"Uh huh. . . ."
My mind starts to focus again. . .
"Well, I had an awesome childhood, right? "(You did? I did something right?)
"Yeah, we always had everything we wanted" (this from a boy who always wanted the great new toys his friends had, that we couldn't afford) "and, it was just great! So, I thought about what some of those great memories were and what would remind me of those days and I thought, Playing video games with my friends! "( courtesy of Aunty Lisa who gave the kids her old game system when her kids got a new one for Christmas)
So. . .
without further ado. . .
I give you Bowser from Mario Brothers. . .

I ask you. . .
Could you be mad with a kid who just told you his childhood was awesome?
I couldn't.
And really, with all the things he could have chosen to decorate himself. . .
I think I got off easy!
But Lisa. . .I blame you.
wow, I'm not sure what I'd do. That's because there have been times I've wanted to get a tatoo in the same spot. Not Bowzer, mind you, a nice rose or heart. But then economics jumps in and I haven't done it.
I'm glad to see it's not an offensive one and it's in a discreet place.
By the way, WAY TO GO HOLLY!! What a great girl!
Way to go, Rosa!!! You're kids are amazing. I only hope mine grow up with your kids' sense of respect for parenting. Good job!
Sounds like you've raised them right, Rosa. So pat yourself on the back and be glad he didn't say he was going to be a daddy or something!
LOLOLOL! I'm glad someone else also has the joy of 'older' children! Give them a chance and they will REALLY wow you!
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