Friday, June 24, 2011

1st Garden Bouquet Of The Season

I had promised to post pictures of the back garden but I've been so busy finishing up the school year and getting my bus cleaned there just hasn't been time.
Instead I offer you this. . .
My sister-in-law Leona celebrated her birthday this week and was able to drop by for coffee.
As birthdays and presents just seem to go together, I gifted her with the first bouquet to come out of the garden this season. . .

Happy Birthday Leona! May the Lord bless you with many more!


Anonymous said...

What beautiful flowers Rosa. I was given a garden bouquet by a grateful client a few years ago, and I thought it was an amazing treat, as I am garden challenged (I know, that's putting it mildly, lol) Lisa

Tamara Jansen said...

Seriously, you are amazing! Your garden is pimpin' :)

Nancy-Mom said...

Very nice, nothing nicer than fresh flowers from your own garden !

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