Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beautiful, Helpful, Big Boys

How awesome is it, when one of your big boys not only comes up with a great marketing idea, but is also willing to go the extra mile and carry it out.


All 145 pounds of it. . .

I made this last year    (with a little help) and it's been hanging around in the back garden waiting for a place by the pond.

 Since that's not happening yet, Jess suggested that we put it in the front garden to let people know that I don't just do gardens. . .

I also do art. . .

Thanks Jesse!


Evelyn in Canada said...

And it looks great. I noticed it right away as I drove past it the other day. I don't mean to snoop, but my eyes always head to your house when I go by.

Nancy-Mom said...

Wow, looks great right where it is. Great son doing that for you :o)

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