Here are the bare bones of the bathroom.
Did anyone notice that hole around the pipe in the corner?
What do you think you might see if you looked down?

Oh, my. . . !!!
Umm. . . I think I'll make sure I go to the bathroom while I continue my search for the elusive 'perfect' vanity. I've had no luck so far, but. . .
All those stores do have bathrooms!

I did however find the 'perfect' bathtub.
The right price with the right style and depth (Henry and the boys are looking forward to having a bath in a tub deep enough to cover their knees. Well, maybe not Henry's knees.)
I can hardly wait until I can soak in that tub.
Ohhhhh so jealous of that tub!! ours just isn't deep enough either and that new one of yours would be just right :-)
have fun with the remodel, we'll have to come check it out when you're done.
This is all very exciting! I'm starting to calculate how much it will cost us to have Jesse apply his knowledge of demoing to our bathroom...
- Ev
It looks wonderful so far! The tub, not the hole. I don't blame you for going elsewhere. Oh, my is right!
This is looking just fabulous Rosa! I find the hard part is making sure all the fixtures, paint, tile, flooring, cabinets, etc. all look like the belong together.....have fun with that!
I'm off to the flooring place to pick out tile that matches our cabinets for the.....wait for it....4 bathrooms that we're installing at the new greenhouse :(
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