It is city wide and there are over 500 nominations this year.
I had great fun enjoying all the gardens and I thought I would share a few with you.

And now. . .
I had better check on Jesse who banged his head quite badly at work a little while ago.
He says the ringing has stopped, but he still feels like he's going to throw up.
Let's hope we don't end up visiting emergency!
Poor soul.
If he's feeling like he has to throw up, there's a good chance he has a concussion. At least that's my own experience with a concussion... :o(
Poor Jesse! I'll say prayers that he's healthy and back to his usual self in no time. How terrible.
The gardens are quite lovely. I'd like to see a recent picture of your front yard when you get a chance!
Well, if he has to go, don't let them stick him off in some room like they did me. He could have a concussion! And thanks for the garden tour. My house is still a disaster zone...
At a distance, our gardens could have been part of that contest! Close up however, I've been busy pulling weeds and deadheading all week after being on vacation.
- Ev
what a neat experience to judge the gardens especially when you're an avid gardener such as yourself :-) Did you pick a winner? Are there certain criteria you have to look for?
I was just a first round judge. We do have things we judge for such as good design, amount of colour, how it improves the neighbourhood, whether it's weed free etc.
I pick the top two in my area which then goes to the horticultual society. They judge all the top twos from all neighbourhoods in the city and come up with the top 20. The top twenty are then judged by a city counciller a city horticultualist and one other person and then the top three are awarded at a nice ceremony that all nominees can attend.
How in the world do you choose???
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