I certainly have, and thanks to a Martha Stewart 'good thing' many years ago, a home baked cookie can be had in no time!

I must admit that Smartie cookies are my absolute favorite. (with brown sugar oatmeal a close second.)
If I baked a double batch all at once and froze half the cookies, I would eat them straight out of the freezer in just a few days.
All it take to go from a frozen log of cookie dough to hot, fresh from the oven cookies is this. . .

Bake for 12 minutes at 350 degrees.
Let cookies cool on pan for a minute or two.
Transfer to cookie rack.
Enjoy the sight of all those cookies while ignoring all those sesame seeds on the counter.
Then, because this was not about baking, but eating your favorite cookie. . .

You inspire me. I've long been thinking of making up gluten-free cookie dough to put in the freezer. Now why haven't I?
I feel inspired to run down to costco to get a batch of their smarty cookies, Rosa :)
Hey...Don't forget the cookie recipe, they look yummy.
I love the cookie, tea, and a good book; why don't you have a novel by Curtiss Ann in that photo!
Well, thanks a lo, I just put on a pound or two salivating at the sight of those cookies, and I'll be tinking about them for the next while !! Any cookie will do. Ours are high in the cupboard where I can't reach them !!
Don't tell you know who, that I did stand up and get two,yep two, once when he was gone for a walk. yummy !
To scary to do that again tho :o)
How pretty! I would eat the whole stick fresh out of the freezer, IF my kids didn't beat me to it first:). Your dough, and cookies look yummy!
What a great idea!
I love the Jan Karon books, too!
Great Ideas, I wish it would hurry up and get colder here! I love anything that can be made ahead.
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